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 About us

Evogen Pharma had been created with simply one purpose , to offer you better anabolics. The anabolics market right now is only filled with low quality products which will bring many dangers to your health . According to latest researches , around 72% of all anabolics used in the world are totally fake or underdosed. So it is not a very good idea to try your chance and buy an unknown product . This gamble can cost you a lot more than you think. So we are here to offer you the best service possible with full dosage products which are manufactured for athletes who are trying to maximize their potential . You are welcome to try our customer focused products . We assure you will not return …


Evogen Pharma products are protected with unique QR codes and holograpric printings against counterfeiting . Please do not buy or use any product which does not show authentic in QR code system and contact us about this matter with pictures and information . We would like to take all precautions to protect you from fake products.


 Check Product

Our QR code system allows you to control every single product in our website with a unique code. When you buy our products you will see a label with a QR code and silver coverage. Please gently remove silver coverage and you will see a product code. Use this code to verify your product in our homepage : EVOGENPHARMA.COM . If you will scan the QR code with your mobile phone or tablet , that will also redirect you to the webpage which you can apply code to check your product. Each code can be used only 1 time .